Deposite, Withdraw

Deposite: Holders can stake dLP or LSD and earn esLBR emission. If a holder deposits both DLP and eUSD at the same time, the income generated from the two types of assets will be calculated independently and accumulated as withdrawable income for the user


Users can withdraw eUSD/peUSD at any time. However, due to the need for Match Finance to dynamically adjust the minting ratio to achieve the highest APY (Annual Percentage Yield), the protocol will set a maximum withdrawal ratio. This means that there may be limitations on the amount of eUSD/peUSD that can be withdrawn at a given time. The amount of eUSD/peUSD that users can withdraw is determined based on their deposit amount, the protocol's collateral ratio, and the maximum withdrawal ratio. For instance, let's consider a scenario where the protocol's total TVL (Total Value Locked) is $2 million, the total amount of eUSD minted is $1 million, the average collateral ratio is 200%, and the maximum withdrawal ratio is 85%. In this scenario, if a user has made a deposit of $100, they would be able to withdraw eUSD up to $40. This calculation is derived as follows: $100 / 200% * 85% = $40. When the protocol's global withdrawal ratio reaches a specific threshold, such as 75%, Match Finance will impose additional interest fees on users who withdraw eUSD/peUSD. These fees will be charged at a rate of 10% annually. This means that users who choose to withdraw their eUSD/peUSD when the withdrawal ratio exceeds the threshold will incur an additional cost in the form of interest fees.

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